WOW, where has the time gone. It's been awhile since we've published a post. There have been many post started but never finished. It is usually late when I get started and my mind and fingers wear out before the finished product. Today I promise a complete post to bring many of you up to date.
Today we took Chloe for her one year check-up and let me tell you she was ready to prove her stuff. She pulled all the tricks out and impressed the socks off the doctor. On command she picked up her shoe and brought it to me. On command she pointed to her mouth. She showed off her vocabulary and pointed to the objects in books. Ex. there was a book on cats and she says CAT. It was amazing.
Speaking of vocabulary, her words are: dog, dada, duck, mama, cat, weese (Cleis), wouse (horse), ball, pop, whad dat (what's that), apple, book. She comes up with something new almost everyday.
While we all know Chloe loves to give special presents (she was born on both of her Mimi's birthday) and she is continuing with her gifts. On September 20th, she started taking a step here and there. This continued over the next few days and then on the 25th, (Mommy's birthday) she took off and hasn't stopped since. Boy does she sure know how to give special memories. Thank you Chloe you made Mommy's day, another great memory.
It is hard to believe that a year has passed. I can't believe that the baby we brought home a year ago is now walking and starting to tell us what she wants. I treasure the year that I have spent with my girls and I continue to look forward to each and every day that we have to be here at home together.
Pictures are coming. I added a couple of Halloween Pics. I really wanted to stay up to date on this but I think the last time I added pictures to my Shutterfly account and sent everyone the email was around the start of Chloe's ninth month. So I have some catching up to do. In the mean time I will post some to the blog and then I'll get all the pictures organized and uploaded to Shutterfly. Cleis also has a fondness for Frog Legs. Here she shows off her latest catch!
Chloe is quite the little pistol to take and have her pictures made. In order for us to have some one year pictures we had to go 3 times. I finally took Tony with me, actually he volunteered to come help out. We finally have a few good pictures and these will be in the mail soon.
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