Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Pity Party

Oh, poor me! I'm having a pity party for myself over my kids illnesses and a night of walking the floors with a crying baby and receiving no sleep. We've been back to the doctor today for Chloe's ears. Yes, the ear infection is still there or never left. Who knows. We're on round 2 with an antibiotic. This time Chloe is taking Omnicef. Which I'm very familiar with since this was always a popular one with Cleis. Let's hope she doesn't have an allergic reaction with this one.

Now I know things could be a lot worse and more severe but for this moment I'm going to be on my pity pot. I really thought things would be different with Chloe. She started off so much healthier, looks healthier, I thought we were on the right track. There must be something to be said for genetics though. These girls got their ears from somewhere.

We'll get through this and Chloe will be that happy baby girl again.

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